
英语习语A penny for your thoughts的英语口语练习

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英语习语A penny for your thoughts的英语口语练习 1、见到英语A penny for your thoughts,我的第一反应是“用”英语努力去回想,“用”的英语是:What does a penny for your thoughts mean? 或What does it mean when we say A penny for your thoughts?

英语习语A penny for your thoughts的英语口语练习

1、见到英语A penny for your thoughts,我的第一反应是“用”英语努力去回想,“用”的英语是:What does a penny for your thoughts mean? 或What does it mean when we say A penny for your thoughts?

如果我们学习A penny for your thoughts能有这样的“反应”,我们首先就是在“用”英语了,而不是说“学习”后等哪天有机会跟别人“用”上英语A penny for your thoughts才叫“用”。残酷的事实就是,不管你现在把A penny for your thoughts学的再好,你基本没有机会真正用上这句英语。而如果你连现在都在“用”中文学它“中文什么意思嘛?”,那么,你就真正的是英语“学”而“不用”了。

2、把学过的英语用起来,用英语回答What does a penny for your thoughts mean? 或What does it mean when we say A penny for your thoughts?问题:

1. Well,when we say A penny for your thoughts,we are asking somebody and want to know:What are you thinking about?

2. When we are trying to find out what another person is thinking,we can say:A penny for your thoughts.

want to know及trying to find out what another person is thinking都是高中英语,见到A pennt for your thoughts时都应该能努力回想起来。


下次见到A pennt for your thoughts,你还会“用”中文“说”“中文什么意思来着”吗?


1.You've been awfully quiet tonight, honey—a penny for your thoughts?(What are you thinking ?)

2. You haven’t said anything all evening,Jane!  A penny for your thoughts?(What are you thinking about?)
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