
商务英语夏日朗读练习营-Day 137

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??12.5 Cargo insurance claim 12.5 货品稳妥的索赔 Under some circumstances, the claim papers are returned to the place where the insurance was effected and subsequently presented to the underwriters. However, especially where goods are sold

??12.5 Cargo insurance claim

12.5 货品稳妥的索赔

Under some circumstances, the claim papers are returned to the place where the insurance was effected and subsequently presented to the underwriters. However, especially where goods are sold on CIF terms and the policy is assigned to the consignees, arrangements are made for any claims to be paid at destination. In such cases, the consignees approach the agents named in the policy for payment of their claims. Of course, the claims procedure will vary by circumstances, but undoubtedly a quicker settlement should be secured in the event of loss or damage.


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