
商务英语培训明星教师 Sophie

英语培训 admin 评论

??教育理念:You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives~ 血型:A 生日:December 26th 星座:Capricorn 性格:Positive, bubbly,

??教育理念:You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives~


生日:December 26th


性格:Positive, bubbly, analytical, ambitious and totally human.

喜爱: Traveling, reading, trying exotic food, lying on the beach.

座右铭:Carpe Diem

最喜爱的人: My heart

最喜爱的事: Lucid dreaming, lychee flavored things, sunshine, mind stimulating conversations, delicious food.

最喜爱的动物:Tigers and dolphins

最喜爱的颜色:Black and white


最喜爱的歌曲:A big tablespoon of house, a healthy dash of Hip hop and a few sprinkles of Rock.

最喜爱的影片:American History X , Casino, Goodfellas, Snatch, Fight Club, Brave heart.


最喜爱的格言:To whom much is given, much is tested

作业阅历:Qing Hua University, Oz English, Oxford English.

结业院校:University of New South Wales


I’ve spent most of my life in Sydney, Australia. I came to Beijing 3 years ago. Although my major in University was media, through teaching part-time, I found it to be more rewarding and interesting. I love the feeling of passing knowledge and skill to another human being.
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