

英语培训 admin 评论

[1-1] I think I'd better leave now.It's getting late. [我想现在我该走了。天色已晚了。] [1-2] I'm afraid I must be leaving now.I have taken up a lot of your time. [恐怕我现在必须离开了。我已经占用你许多时间了。] [1-3]I'll have to be going n

[1-1] I think I'd better leave now.It's getting late.


[1-2] I'm afraid I must be leaving now.I have taken up a lot of your time.


[1-3]I'll have to be going now.Thank you very much for you entertainment.


[1-4]I must be off now.


[1-5]Nice talking to you.


[1-6]I'm sorry I look up too much of your time.


[1-7]Well,I guess I'd better be leaving.


[1-8]Well,I must say goodbye.


[1-9]I really have to run.


[2] 说再见

[2-1] Goodbye/再见。

[2-2] Bye./再见。

[2-3] See you later./再见。

[2-4] See you./再见。

[2-5] So long./再见。

[2-6] Good night./晚安

[2-7] Good wishes/(分别时)祝愿

[3] 一路顺风

[3-1] Hope to see you next time. 希望下次再见到你。

[3-2] Hope you have a nice trip. 祝你旅途愉快。

[3-3] Have a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快。

[3-4] I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快。

[3-5] Safe landing. 祝你一路顺风。

[3-6] Give my best regards to your father. 请代我向你父亲致意。

[4] 会话

Dialogue 1 【情景对话 1】

ZhangSan: Well,I must be off now. I have an appointment at six. 嗯,我现在得离开了。我六点有个约会。

LiSi: In that case,I won't keep you any longer.Drop in any time. 如果那样的话,我不再挽留你了。欢迎你随时到这里来。

ZhangSan:Ok.Goodbye. 我会的,再见。

LiSi: See you later.再见。

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